Girls About Peckham

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Who are ‘girls about Peckham’ ?

‘gIRLS aBOUT pECKHAM is a growing digital platform focused on girls, fashion, culture and community. We are centered on the local buzzing diversity, creating content and unedited experiences creating real-time purpose. We push to create content that inspires, entertains, and has a legacy of impact. Our focus is to create, share and tell unseen stories that are authentic and true to the culture and communities. The photos taken are not just images, they are individual moments captured showcasing the increasing changes within community, whilst celebrating it’s original culture and inclusivity.’

(words from G.A.P website)

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Working with Natalie, the mother and founder of G.A.P was a blast. Meeting on a weekly bases to delegate what needed completing, Natalie and I manage to create the second edition of G.A.P.

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Visit G.A.P website by clicking the button below and get in contact with Natalie if you want to be in the next issue as well as purchasing issue 2!