Blanc Publication


Blanc Publication - 05 / 11 / 2020

In conversation with Jaffar Aly about his inspirations, anthropology and collaboration.

‘Operating out of hastily configured forms and energetic swathes of generously layered paint, Lewisham based artist Jaffar Aly creates eerily configured caricatures that reflect his diasporic experience of growing up in the UK. A healthy combination of anthropological thinking and artistic endeavour results in a selection of paintings that hold both a sensitive consideration of the human experience and an immediacy surrounding our current socio-political landscape. With his upcoming solo show Black Angst at No Format Gallery unfortunately being cancelled due to lockdown restrictions, we thought this the perfect time to share our interview with Jaffar that delves into where he finds inspiration in everyday scenarios and how he created his online platform Spaghetti.’

For the full interview, visit Blanc Publication.

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