Your regular Lewisham person building a body of work that produces and catalyzes an alternative and parallel form of knowledge production from academia. A body of work that illustrates and highlights how the embodied and lived experiences from those who dwell in the ‘Undercommons’ (F. Moten & S. Harney 2013) are of value. Introducing the voices of (an)Other in the mainstream has disrupted the flow of colonial reproduction but ideas of white supremacy still run deep as the ‘unnamed political system’ (C.W. Mills 1999: 1) that has formed the contemporary, modern, and aesthetic world we live in today.
So, what does this space plan on doing to decentre such ideology?
The answer to this is, what I’ve already been doing, hosting events that prioritize the stories people tell from their lived and embodied experience whether it is in the form of poetry or music. Writing essays that touch on topical issues like race, racism, food, and the little things that I, you find important. Through photography, film, paint, and lectures that speak on issues and fascinations. All being Grassroot attempts that somehow work their way up to affect political aesthetic schemas.
Critique it, but at least allow space for the idea to grow and see where it goes.